The purpose of this project, Lost Lover, is to explore interactive poetry using a perfect binary tree. Every path through the tree will be equal in length, 4 stanzas, with each stanza being a quatrain. This will result in 8 possible endings, 15 total passages (24 – 1). It is often said that perfect trees can get out of hand very quickly for content creators, as the addition of each layer is exponential. I wanted to explore this by using form of poetry I outlined above, which is measured and manageable. For example, I imagined doubling the length of a path through the tree to 8 (to keep it at a multiple of 4) and doing that would result in needing to write 255 stanzas.  The story involves the player unraveling the mystery of waking up to their lover missing, with each path through the tree being a unique conclusion to the story that could stand on its own.  

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